For Successful Coaches, Consultants and Service Providers Who Are Serious About Building a Video Selling System
Video isn’t like other forms of media. It's far more powerful, provided you have a system to leverage that power. Here's how to build a system that works.
Most of my work is one-on-one with business owners to help them create a video-based attraction system. We start where they need to, usually with the technical, touching on their on-camera presence, script-writing, editing, marketing and more.
This is a $3,000 per month engagement, during which we meet weekly to review our progress. I also create certain elements of their platform, like a personal greenscreen process, animations, scripts or ads going to various social media sites.
With over 20,000 people in my world, I can serve only the smallest fraction of them with any degree of diligence. That they stay with this process for very long stretches is testament to the fact that this makes a big difference in their bottom line results.
There’s no other way this can work. There’s only one of me (and I don’t trust cloning...yet).

And then there is Inner Circle.
I created this for people who want a certain kind of result but are willing to do some of the leg work themselves. We meet as a small group, never more than 12 at a time, where I teach what I otherwise do for my private clients. Then each member is coached through their personal application of these ideas.
And who are they? They tend to be those for whom image is important, which has brought people like surgeons, investment bankers and attorneys. They also tend to be working at the top of their game, but have a desire to share their expertise and build value with a wider audience.
Our members tend to stay for years at a time, which I doubt they would do if they did not find the work personally valuable and financially rewarding.
An Exclusive Solution
But even with this structure, I still can only support a limited number of people and be on top of my own game. It’s more important for me to be there in the moment with our members than anything else. The thing is, I really love doing this work. If I was doing it for the money I would stuff 50 people into a group, have 10 groups, and be done with it.
But that wouldn’t work for either of us. We need to get to know each other. I need to understand what’s important to you to get done, and you need to trust that I have your best interest at heart. And I can only do that for so many people at at time.
Also, each member comes to know, like and understand their fellow members. This multiplies the effectiveness of the group, as Inner Circle seems to attract some pretty fine human beings.
At the moment, our current group is nearly maxed out. I don’t see that changing anytime soon. Some of our members have been with us since 2013. Barring death or serious illness, we’ll likely trundle on together, changing the world one client at a time, meeting for an hour or so, every other week.
We're Growing...
So I’m starting a new Inner Circle group. If you want, you can potentially be a part of it. And I will do my best to find out if you belong here.
Just for context, I’m not looking for people who want to become sharks, one-hit wonders feeding off the unaware, then becoming fish food themselves. I’m looking for people who understand that playing the long game is actually the most effective marketing strategy, because it puts the most important activities under your control at all times, with results as the consistent by-product.
What Kind of Results Can You Expect?
Everyone is on a different path, so that remains to be seen. Carol, who had never made a video before joining us, now has a YouTube channel where she has been posting a new video every week for more than a year, and is building an audience of super fans for her work in dream interpretation. We worked on creating a system that allows her to create fast with high quality to make that happen.
Nick has used video to absolutely dominate his niche in the European pharma industry by focusing almost exclusively on the marketing aspects he learned with us.
Cathy used what she learned about editing to build a big business in retail consulting across the United States by reaching out to her retailers with her entertaining teaching videos.
Patrick is transforming the way naturopathic doctors share knowledge with each other and thus improve patient care in France by how he uses video to reach, communicate and help them grow.
What you can do within the Inner Circle coaching system seems to be limited only by your imagination and willingness to try something new.
Inner Circle Members Represent a Variety of Industries
The one thing they have in common is the goal of creating a video selling system that gets results!
Our members are pretty comfortable with change.
Are you ready to expand your own comfort zone?

Everyone gets what they came for in Inner Circle.
In short...
While this is most definitely about mastering video, it will also change the way you look at everything you do online, which will change your results.
How to Begin...
If you’re interested, all you need to do right now is answer a few questions. I’ll get back to you with a response, usually same day. If your application is approved, you'll be given the choice to register on a monthly or annual basis.
Click on the "APPLY FOR INNER CIRCLE" button below to start the process.
Good luck!
$4995 (15% Savings)
No payment will be taken until an application is approved.